Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering 6-11 August 2023
This 5-day intensive course is an introduction to neutron scattering for highly promising postgraduate students and early-career researchers. This year’s summer course goes back to the basics. It will present several commonly-used scattering techniques and their applications in physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, and life sciences. The focus is analysis of neutron scattering data. The summer course will end with an optional tour to China Spallation Neutron Source

Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering 2023
Application and eligibility:
Registration fee:
Application deadline:
Result announcement:
August 6-11, 2023
HKIAS Lecture Theatre, City University of Hong Kong
This summer course is open to all applicants who wish to apply neutron scattering to solve critical problems in their own research projects.
HK$3,000, it covers 7-day-6-night accommodation, breakfast & lunch for 5 days, dinner for 1 night. (Partial travel support may be provided for overseas applicants.)
May 2, 2023
Selected applicants will be informed by Mid-May. They need to pay the registration fee, book the air ticket, and confirm the itinerary by end of May.